07786 101 170


DPO contact

Data Protection Officer : Colin Kentish
Contact : 07786 101 170

Nature of Data Held

In order to respond to enquiries from this site, we ask for your name plus email address and / or phone number. This gives us the opportunity to personalise your reply and contact you using your prefered contact method.

This information is kept solely for the purpose of answering your original enquiry. Once the enquiry has been satisfactorily dealt with, your personal data are deleted permanently from the online database.

If we are unable to contact you and your enquiry remains incomplete for 180 days, the information is deleted, regardless of there having been no satisfactory conclusion to the enquiry.

Additional Data Held for Pupils

In order to book your driving test, it is necessary to retain your driving licence number. This, along with any other contact data that you have provided will be deleted on successful completion of your driving test or at the end of our specified data retention period.

Successful Candidate Photographs

When candidates pass their driving test, they will be asked for a photograph for promotional purposes. If verbal or written permission is given, the image will be displayed on our web site and in other promotional material until such permission is withdrawn.

Data held relating to customers

Contact information is held for the purpose of:

• Responding to your enquiry
• Estimating costs
• Reminding of lessons
• Advising of any changes or cancellations
• Informing of test dates etc.


Making the reasonable assumption that having asked a question via our web site enquiry page, that you are entitled to and expect an answer, we claim your consent to reply by your chosen means, e.g. email or phone. Once your enquiry has been dealt with, we assume no further consent to use your personal data, which are then removed from the online database.

Invoice details will be retained in accordance with our legal obligation in respect of tax regulations.


This section defines the policy for managing data throughout Colin Kentish of Colin Kentish Driver Training (colinkentish.co.uk web site), hosted on a dedicated server located in the data centre belonging to Names Co Ltd.


Data held by the organisation for the purposes of carrying on its day to day business may be at risk of leakage or loss through the following means:

• Data Theft through hacking (Cyber Crime)
• Data Theft from the Cloud
• Data Theft through embezzlement
• Data Theft through hardware loss
• Fire
• Flood
• Physical damage to equipment
• End of equipment life risks

General Considerations

In order to minimise risks, the number of copies of data held is minimised, commensurate with protection against data loss. In this case, this means that no portable device is ever used as a data repository. All data relating to customers, prospects and enquirers is held on one of the dedicated web servers in the Names Co data centre. For day to day use, this is accessed via a single account that does not have root privileges. Only one person has the login credentials for this account. Only one person has login credentials for the root account on any of our servers.

Our database is held on servers used are all protected by firewalls, and all security patches or updates are applied as soon as they become available by the one person responsible for security.

Data Theft Through Hacking

All personally identifiable data is held on a dedicated web server located in the UK and maintained by Names Co. This is protected by a firewall which is updated regularly.

Access to the database that holds such data is also restricted by a separate login with different credentials to the root user, connection being made via https web pages. See General Considerations for the policy regarding password generation, which is applied to all systems used by Colin Kentish of Colin Kentish Driver Training, both on line and internally.

For disaster recovery purposes, the contents of the web server are backed up to a NAS unit in the main office. The backup is a snapshot of only the latest data and only the most recent backup file is retained in between weekly backup sessions, so that no obsolete data can be accessed or restored once removed from the main database (allowing a week of latency added to our regular data review cycle, as laid out in our Data Retention Term document).

Data access for employees is granted at a level where they can carry out the necessary procedures for their work through https web pages. These pages do not allow download of the database contents and nobody other than the responsible person has access to the database as root user.

Data Theft Through Equipment Loss
To prevent loss of data with equipment, no unlocked device that is used outside the office carries any sensitive data relating to the business or to the people that it deals with.

Damaged and End of Life Equipment
In the event of damage to equipment rendering it no longer serviceable, the hard drive will be removed and physically destroyed before disposal of the remaining hardware.

Where equipment has reached the end of its service life and is to be sold as used, the internal hard drive will either be replaced or completely erased and the OS replaced before sale.

Data Access Policy

Under the provision of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right to request to view, or have removed any data held relating to you as a natural person.

This can be requested direct to the DPO.

Right to be Forgotten Policy

Under the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, you have the right for all data held relating to yourself to be completely and permanently erased.

Note : Removal of all data may impact on our ability to provide a service to you.

The Regulation also provides for this information being removed from all backup copies and other repositories in the organisation. To ensure that this requirement is followed, Colin Kentish of Colin Kentish Driver Training adopts the following practices:

• Only one copy of the database exists for each day over the past 7 days. This is held on a remote server in a secure data centre
• For disaster recovery
• The backup is a snapshot of the most recent data for each day of the week.
• Every week that backup file is overwritten with the latest data
• In case of a backup being restored, the responsible individual is required to manually reconcile any RTBF requests that may have been overridden by the restoration

Please note that the database is backed up daily with each days backup held for one week so there will be a latency of seven days between removal from the active database and removal from all backup copies.

Data Retention Policy

Your data is held until satisfactory conclusion of your enquiry or until you are no longer using our services.

Automated Processes

Enquiry info is held in the database for no more than 3 days. This is to ensure we can respond to them even if there is an issue with email delivery. No automated processing of data is carried out on the database holding your information, other than a regular check for expired data. To ensure compliance with our policies, every day, the database is queried for entries that are greater in age than the number of days laid out in our Data Retention Terms Policy.

If found, the record and all associated data are automatically deleted from the active database. The active database is backed up daily, overwriting the previous copy from the same day the week before, so there will be a latency between deleting from the active database and the backup version. This will mean a possible delay of a maximum of seven days before final eradication of over-age data.

I´ve been told that Instructors have different grades. What grade are you?

I´m very proud to say that I´m a Grade ´A´ Driving Instructor. Grade ´A´ is the highest possible grade that an Instructor can attain from the Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency.

Are you a fully qualified Driving Instructor?

Yes, I have been a fully qualified,Government Approved Driving Instructor for more than 10 years and I display a green octagonal badge showing my registration details and ID. Beware though, because some larger Driving Schools including BSM and Red use PDI´s (Potential Driving Instructors). Although these are registered Instructors, they are basically Trainees who have not yet passed the final part of the stringent Driving Instructor test. Less than 50% of Trainees go on to pass the Driving Instructor test. So, you could be taught by someone that never actually qualifies! You can tell that they are Trainees because they must display a pink triangular badge stating ´Trainee Instructor´

What type of car will I be driving?

You will be driving a new Ford Fiesta Titanium (1.5 Diesel) manual car with 4 doors. There´s a photo of my car behind the Gallery button.

How old must I be before learning to drive?

The minimum age for a UK Provisional Licence is 17. You must be in receipt of your Provisional Licence before you will be allowed to drive on a public road! You can apply for a Provisional Licence up to 3 months before your 17th birthday. If you are receiving Disability Living Allowance at the higher rate, you can apply for a Provisional Licence as soon as you are 16 years old.

How much will my lessons cost?

Please click-on the 'Prices' button for full details of lesson times, current prices and special offers.

How long will my lessons be?

Generally, your lessons will last 1.5hrs, but I can also offer 1hr or 2hrs lessons if and when required. It really depends on both your availability and my availability.

What will I do on my first lesson?

It depends on what experience you already have. If you are a complete beginner the first lesson will include all the safety aspects, an eyesight check (you must be able to read a standard number plate from a distance of 20.5 metres)adjusting your seating position so you are comfortable and can safely use the controls and then we will run through the vehicle controls so that you know where they are, what they do and when you need to use them. By the end of the first lesson you will be driving by moving the vehicle off from the roadside and stopping it in a safe, legal and convenient place. Don't worry though, the first few lessons are normally conducted in a very quiet road.

Do I need to pass my theory test before starting to drive?

No you don't but it's a good idea to start your theory studies as soon as possible because it will help your general understanding whilst driving.

How many lessons will I need to pass my test?

There's no definite answer to that question! It will largely be dependent on your own aptitude and personal rate of learning ability. This is where taking professional training from a DVSA (Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency) Approved Driving Instructor is the best course of action, particularly if you have little or no previous experience of driving. The DVSA do publish average figures which can be found on the Government website: www.direct.gov.uk

What is your pass rate?

My current pass rate to 29th February 2024 is 85% This is based on results from the last 13 driving tests. The National Average pass rate is only 46%! Further details about pass rates can be found behind the ´Terms´ button.

How will I know when I'm ready to take the practical test?

We will continually monitor your progress and carry-out at least one mock test to determine whether or not you are actually ready to take your practical test. The final decision will be by mutual agreement.

Where will you pick me up and drop me off?

From anywhere within reason! I won't restrict you to being picked up and dropped off at your home address. However, I will automatically assume your home address unless previously arranged.

Can I have my lesson at the same time every week?

Yes, that actually makes it easier for me to plan my week.

Will you answer your mobile phone during my lessons?

No, you are paying for my time and you will get 100% of my attention during that time. (Emergencies would be the only possible exception)

I've been told that some Instructors spend long periods of time parked-up by the roadside talking! Will I be driving for most of the time during my lesson?

Yes! I will try to keep you moving for most of the time to maximise the time you are driving. However, it's sometimes necessary to carry out a recap or subject briefing (8 minutes max) before you initially drive off. Also, we may have to stop briefly by the roadside to identify, analyse and hopefully rectify any driving faults that may have occurred whilst you are driving!

Are you qualified to conduct the 'Pass- Plus' scheme?

Yes, full details can be found behind the 'Pass-Plus' button.

Do you charge for cancellations?

Yes, I do request 48 hours notice if you want to cancel a lesson! There are exceptions (illness etc), so please take a look at the Terms & Conditions behind the 'Terms' button.

When I pay for my test does that cover all the charges for your car?

No, the driving test fee goes directly to the DVSA. There is a seperate charge of 2 Hours (£64) for hiring the car for your driving test. This charge includes picking you up from home/school/workplace, 1 hours pre-test warm-up/practise, the driving test itself, debrief and dropping you back home/school/workplace.

Do you have automatic cars?

No, I'm sorry, but at the moment I only use a manual car.

How can I book my first lesson?

You can call me on 07786 101170 (Please leave a message if I'm unable to answer) or complete and send the enquiry form behind the 'Contact' button.

What are your hours of business?

Autumn/Winter 2023/2024 (26th October - 28th February)

Last lesson starts at 3pm!

Mondays - 9am to 4.30pm

Tuesday - 9am to 4.30pm

Wednesdays - 9am to 4.30pm

Thursdays - 9am to 4.30pm

Fridays - 9am to 4.30pm

Saturdays - Closed!
Sundays - Closed!

Will there ever be other learners in the car while I'm having my lesson?

Absolutely not! I do not pick-up or drop-off other learners (known as 'piggy backing') in your time. Your lessons will always be conducted on a one to one basis.

Standard rate
Flexible lesson times

Save with block bookings

Maddie Brooks-Read
26 July 2019 - Maddie passed 1st time in very challenging conditions (heavy rain) with only 4 minor driving faults! Well done Maddie, that was an excellent result.
Maddie Brooks-Read

Leigh Badger
27 February 2019 - Leigh passed 1st time with only 1 minor driving fault! Well done Leigh, that was a brilliant result. Drive safely!
Leigh Badger

Professional lessons - Start learning to drive now with a fully qualified Driving & Vehicle Standards Agency Approved Grade A (top grade) Driving Instructor
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